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Home / Income Statement Archives 1999-2003

FY Ended 31 Dec (RM’000)
2000 2001 2002 2003
Revenue 133,623 148,480 162,342 178,622 242,405
Profit before interest, depreciation and taxation 26,363 29,607 33,716 39,284 42,055
Interest income 2 1
Interest expense (12,808) (13,644) (12,408) (12,827) (11,861)
Depreciation (8,922) (9,931) (10,158) (10,406) (10,560)
Exceptional item (1) (750) (1,497)
Profit before tax 4,635 5,283 11,078 14,554 19,634
Taxation (2)
Profit after tax
5,283 11,078 14,554 19,634
Basic earnings (diluted) per share 11.89 13.55 28.41 37.32 35.79

(1) The exceptional item represents insurance claims due to a fire in the factory and damages claimed against third party.

(2) There was no taxation charge for all the relevant financial years/period due to the availability of brought forward capital allowances and reinvestment allowances.

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