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Home / GENERAL MEETINGS: Outcome of Meeting

Type of MeetingGeneral
IndicatorOutcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting16 Jun 2022
Time02:00 PM
Venue(s)Broadcast Venue 
Masteel Meeting Room, Unit B-05-3A, 5th Floor, Block B (West Wing)
PJ8 Office Suite, No. 23, Jalan Barat 
Seksyen 8, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan 
Outcome of MeetingThe Board of Directors of Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Bhd (“the Company”) is pleased to announce that all the resolutions set out in the Notice of the Fiftieth Annual General Meeting (“50th AGM”) of the Company dated 29 April 2022 were duly passed by the shareholders at the 50th AGM of the Company held earlier today. All the resolutions were voted on by poll and the results of the poll were validated by Commercial Quest Sdn. Bhd., the Independent Scrutineer appointed by the Company. Details of the poll results are set out below. This announcement is dated 16 June 2022.   
Voting Results
1. Ordinary Resolution 1 
DescriptionTo approve the Directors’ fees up to an aggregate amount of RM180,000.00 for the financial year ending 31 December 2022 and benefit payable to the Directors up to an aggregate amount of RM496,000.00 from 16 June 2022 until the next AGM of the Company and the payment thereof.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders19451
No. of Shares242,064,743140,797
% of Voted Shares99.94190.0581
2. Ordinary Resolution 2 
DescriptionTo re-elect Dato’ Ikhwan Salim Bin Dato’ Haji Sujak who is retiring pursuant to Clause 96 of the Constitution of the Company.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders21037
No. of Shares243,536,81493,727
% of Voted Shares99.96150.0385
3. Ordinary Resolution 3 
DescriptionTo re-elect Mr. Ng Wah Lok who is retiring pursuant to Clause 96 of the Constitution of the Company.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders21335
No. of Shares243,539,69692,125
% of Voted Shares99.96220.0378
4. Ordinary Resolution 4
DescriptionTo re-elect Mr. Ong Teng Chun who is retiring pursuant to Clause 96 of the Constitution of the Company.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders21334
No. of Shares243,539,69692,124
% of Voted Shares99.96220.0378
5. Ordinary Resolution 5
DescriptionTo re-appoint RSM Malaysia PLT as Auditors of the Company and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders21630
No. of Shares243,574,58055,959
% of Voted Shares99.97700.0230
6. Ordinary Resolution 6
DescriptionProposed continuation in office of Dato’ Ikhwan Salim Bin Dato’ Haji Sujak as Independent Non-Executive Director.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders21038
No. of Shares243,536,81495,007
% of Voted Shares99.96100.0390
7. Ordinary Resolution 7
DescriptionProposed continuation in office of Mr. Ng Wah Lok as Senior Independent Non-Executive Director.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders21335
No. of Shares243,539,69692,125
% of Voted Shares99.96220.0378
8. Ordinary Resolution 8 
DescriptionProposed continuation in office of Encik Muhammad Hanizam Bin Hj. Borhan as Independent Non-Executive Director.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders20938
No. of Shares243,535,81494,727
% of Voted Shares99.96110.0389
9. Ordinary Resolution 9 
DescriptionProposed Renewal of Authority for the Company to Purchase its own Ordinary Shares.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders21233
No. of Shares243,564,54160,832
% of Voted Shares99.97500.0250
10. Ordinary Resolution 10 
DescriptionProposed Renewal of Authority under Sections 75 and 76 of the Act and the Constitution of the Company for the Directors to allot and issue shares.
Shareholder’s ActionFor Voting
No. of Shareholders20739
No. of Shares243,433,718198,093
% of Voted Shares99.91870.0813
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